BSC AGM - Tuesday 27th June 2017
AGM Minutes
Present: Gordon Barnes, Caroline Evans, April Owens, Belinda Burns, Alison Parker, Sirje Caprera, Roxana Roman, David Brandon, Vicky Lack, Camilla Townsend
- Apologies: Graeme Keen
- Chairman’s Report – see separate report
- Treasurer’s Report and Accounts – on request
- Election of Independent Examiner – agreed by BSC Committee
- Election of Executive Officers – voted in unopposed
- Chairman – Gordon Barnes
- Vice Chairman – Graeme Keen
- Treasurer – Caroline Evans
- Secretary – April Owens
- Election of other committee members – voted in unopposed
- Swim England Registrations Officer – Vicky Lack
- Communications Officer – position vacant
- Local Community Officer – position vacant
- Membership Secretary – post being covered by April Owens
- Volunteer Development Officer – Lucy Gradillas
- Tony Pearce offered a vote of thanks to the outgoing chairman, David Brandon. Wished to also thank the coaches and acknowledged the work of the secretary ‘the glue that holds the club together’. Reported that the club had a great reputation as a small, successful and friendly club.
- Committee discussed changing the Local Community Officer post to Competitions Secretary
- Sirje Caprera stood down from her post of 2.5 years as Competitions Secretary and was thanked. Belinda Burns and Karen Heaton have taken over gala entries.
- Committee wished to pay for club admin – to be discussed further
- Agreed to have gala introduction evening to explain to new swimmers/joiners
Invitation to Annual General Meeting of Barnes SC
As per our previous email we invite all members and swimmers to the Annual General Meeting of Barnes Swimming Club at 7:00 pm on Tues 27th June in the Montgomery room at St Paul's School. Agenda
We need new committee members as we have lost a couple over the year. It is imperative that some of you help if you want this club to continue . It would be great to have people from all squads and areas of the club represented. Please note that any nominations for BSC Committee positions must be received in writing by the Club Secretary on or before Tuesday 30 May 2017. Each nomination must be signed by the nominee to say that they agree to stand for the position and must be proposed and seconded. Nomination form If you are interested in standing and want to know more please talk to April or David.
Any proposed resolutions must also be received in writing by the Club Secretary on or before. Tuesday 30 May 2017 These resolutions should also be proposed and seconded.
All nominations or proposed resolutions should be handed to me (April Owens) or sent to 15 Wallorton Gardens, East Sheen SW14 8DX.
You will have to be a member of the Club and the ASA in order to vote at the AGM.
All swimmers aged 16 years or older are automatically members of the Club and the ASA and are therefore entitled to vote.
We would really like as many parents to be involved as possible, however, parents are not automatically members. Those of you who would like to vote at the AGM on behalf of their children and who are not already members need to:
We would actively encourage swimming members and parents to come along.
I look forward to seeing you at the AGM. This info is all on the website under the about tab.
As per our previous email we invite all members and swimmers to the Annual General Meeting of Barnes Swimming Club at 7:00 pm on Tues 27th June in the Montgomery room at St Paul's School. Agenda
We need new committee members as we have lost a couple over the year. It is imperative that some of you help if you want this club to continue . It would be great to have people from all squads and areas of the club represented. Please note that any nominations for BSC Committee positions must be received in writing by the Club Secretary on or before Tuesday 30 May 2017. Each nomination must be signed by the nominee to say that they agree to stand for the position and must be proposed and seconded. Nomination form If you are interested in standing and want to know more please talk to April or David.
Any proposed resolutions must also be received in writing by the Club Secretary on or before. Tuesday 30 May 2017 These resolutions should also be proposed and seconded.
All nominations or proposed resolutions should be handed to me (April Owens) or sent to 15 Wallorton Gardens, East Sheen SW14 8DX.
You will have to be a member of the Club and the ASA in order to vote at the AGM.
All swimmers aged 16 years or older are automatically members of the Club and the ASA and are therefore entitled to vote.
We would really like as many parents to be involved as possible, however, parents are not automatically members. Those of you who would like to vote at the AGM on behalf of their children and who are not already members need to:
- Complete a Club Membership Application form (Please click to get a membership form) and a ASA Category 3 Registration form Link to ASA form
- Completed Club Membership forms and ASA Category 3 forms may be left in the black plastic wallet on the club noticeboard or given to committee members.
- An online transfer of £5.00 for the ASA Category 3 membership needs to be made to the Club bank account. Account: Barnes SC, Account Number: 73890775, Sort Code 400530
- Please use an easily identifiable payment reference eg SurnameCat3 and send confirmation of the payment to [email protected] and [email protected]
We would actively encourage swimming members and parents to come along.
I look forward to seeing you at the AGM. This info is all on the website under the about tab.
The present committee:
Chairman – David Brandon
Vice Chair – Graeme Keane
Secretary – April Owens
Treasurer – Caroline Evans
ASA Registrations Officer – Vicky Lack
Communications Officer – Vacant
Local Community Officer – Vacant
Membership Secretary – Vacant
Volunteer Development Officer – Lucy Gradillas
We really need help to run the club and it is important that squads at all levels are represented on the committee
Thank you to all our coaches and in particular to Roxana Roman who has helped move the club forward over the last year.
April Owens
Club Secretary
Barnes SC
[email protected]
Chairman – David Brandon
Vice Chair – Graeme Keane
Secretary – April Owens
Treasurer – Caroline Evans
ASA Registrations Officer – Vicky Lack
Communications Officer – Vacant
Local Community Officer – Vacant
Membership Secretary – Vacant
Volunteer Development Officer – Lucy Gradillas
We really need help to run the club and it is important that squads at all levels are represented on the committee
Thank you to all our coaches and in particular to Roxana Roman who has helped move the club forward over the last year.
April Owens
Club Secretary
Barnes SC
[email protected]