Gala Overview
As we are an Swim England affiliated competitive swimming club, we expect most swimmers to compete regularly. There are many different levels of competition, which when you are new to the club or first reach the magic age (in swimming) of 9 can all seem quite confusing. So this guide is designed to explain as much as possible, however do ask if you are not sure about anything.
Most children’s introduction to galas is through schools, entering events such as the Richmond Borough Primary Schools Gala or IAPS. Although these galas are usually run using Swim England officials they are “unlicensed” and these times cannot be used in other galas as official times.
As a competitive club, we may go to the occasional unlicensed event such as some Junior League Galas or hold internal time trials, but the vast majority of the galas we go to are licensed by Swim England as either a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Level 4 Meet. All times recorded in a licensed meet will be shown in the National Rankings database (which is open to everyone to see – the links are on the Useful Links section under Galas on the website). You can look at your child’s individual times or their ranking
Licensed times are needed to prove a time for entry into a certain Meet. This is particularly important for qualification into Regional or National Events where qualification can only be achieved at certain Levels of Meet e.g. for Regional events only times at Levels 1, 2 or 3 Meets are acceptable.
Most children’s introduction to galas is through schools, entering events such as the Richmond Borough Primary Schools Gala or IAPS. Although these galas are usually run using Swim England officials they are “unlicensed” and these times cannot be used in other galas as official times.
As a competitive club, we may go to the occasional unlicensed event such as some Junior League Galas or hold internal time trials, but the vast majority of the galas we go to are licensed by Swim England as either a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Level 4 Meet. All times recorded in a licensed meet will be shown in the National Rankings database (which is open to everyone to see – the links are on the Useful Links section under Galas on the website). You can look at your child’s individual times or their ranking
Licensed times are needed to prove a time for entry into a certain Meet. This is particularly important for qualification into Regional or National Events where qualification can only be achieved at certain Levels of Meet e.g. for Regional events only times at Levels 1, 2 or 3 Meets are acceptable.
- Level 4 Meets are intended for either Novice events or Club Championships. These times are eligible for County qualification.
- Level 3 Meets require Upper limit times and qualifying times and can attract a wide spectrum of swimmers. The qualifying times can vary widely from times which are equivalent to County qualifying times to those which can enable inexperienced swimmers to compete. As these galas are for a wide range of swimmer they are usually open on a first come first served basis. A fast turn-around between initial email and entry is usually needed. Due to this entries cannot be accepted past our deadline. Level 3 meets are usually held in a short course (25m pool) although occasionally there are 50m level 3 meets.
- Level 1 and 2 Meets must have a minimum set of qualifying standards. No upper limit time is required. They are aimed at higher level swimmers such as National and Regional qualifiers and the better County Level swimmers. If these galas are over-subscribed, slower swimmers may be scratched, and therefore unable to swim. All Level 1 meets are held in a long course (50m) pool. Level 2 are 25m pool (short course).