Welfare and Child Protection Policy
Barnes Swimming Club is committed to the welfare of all swimmers and children as detailed in our child protection policy. Safeguarding children should be an integral part of all club activities, so that we can create a culture that provides a safe, happy and fun environment in which children can learn to swim and develop to a level appropriate for their ability. The purpose of these pages are to set out guidance and procedures that outline the responsibilities of staff, swimmers, parents who are members of or associated to those within Barnes Swimming Club. Our Welfare Officer is Elaine McDaid who can be contacted at any time to talk to or ask for help.
The club has SwimMark accreditation which is Swim England’s quality standard for clubs. It recognises high standards of governance, sustainability and effectiveness. This is the Swim England’s ‘quality mark’. It recognises nationally and regionally the clubs that are committed to providing safe, effective and quality services for the benefit of their members. It is also the Swim England's Club Development model - a planning tool, based on the principles of Long Term Athlete Development, enabling clubs to help athletes, teachers, coaches and administrators to achieve their full potential. It focuses particularly on the needs of athletes - striving to provide them with the best possible support and environment.
As part of providing a safe environment, as well as welfare which is covered in the next section, we expect all swimmers, parents and members to be know about and agree to the club’s codes of conduct.
This policy runs in accordance with the overall Code of Conduct, available on our website it should be read by every swimmer and signed by swimmers and/or parents (or those with parental responsibility). Barnes Swimming Club fully endorses and operates in accordance with the Swim England's Child Protection Policy (Wavepower) and the Swim England's Code of Ethics, details of which can be found on the Swim England's website or by speaking with the Club Welfare Officer (details below).
The club has SwimMark accreditation which is Swim England’s quality standard for clubs. It recognises high standards of governance, sustainability and effectiveness. This is the Swim England’s ‘quality mark’. It recognises nationally and regionally the clubs that are committed to providing safe, effective and quality services for the benefit of their members. It is also the Swim England's Club Development model - a planning tool, based on the principles of Long Term Athlete Development, enabling clubs to help athletes, teachers, coaches and administrators to achieve their full potential. It focuses particularly on the needs of athletes - striving to provide them with the best possible support and environment.
As part of providing a safe environment, as well as welfare which is covered in the next section, we expect all swimmers, parents and members to be know about and agree to the club’s codes of conduct.
This policy runs in accordance with the overall Code of Conduct, available on our website it should be read by every swimmer and signed by swimmers and/or parents (or those with parental responsibility). Barnes Swimming Club fully endorses and operates in accordance with the Swim England's Child Protection Policy (Wavepower) and the Swim England's Code of Ethics, details of which can be found on the Swim England's website or by speaking with the Club Welfare Officer (details below).
Barnes Swimming Club has adopted and implemented the Swim England's Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. These are laid out in the Swim England’s Wavepower 2016/19 manual. Wavepower is about safeguarding children and young people in line with current legislation and guidance ( www.swimming.org/swimengland/wavepower-child-safeguarding-for-clubs/ ).
Barnes Swimming Club, whilst offering a professional swimming opportunity for all swimmers, takes as its primary concern the safety and well being of all the children and young people who are members of the club. The responsibility to safeguard children in our clubs and related activities lies will all those involved in the sport and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at club, county or national level. All members (whether swimmers, parents, staff member), when attending any event or training session or when engaged in any business or activity on behalf of Barnes Swimming Club, have a responsibility to ensure that children are safeguarded and protected from any risk of harm. Any such risks, once identified should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer, or steps taken in accordance with the Swim England's Child Protection Policy. The Welfare Officer has a duty to report any concerns brought to their attention in accordance with the Swim England's Child Protection Policy.
Barnes Swimming Club, whilst offering a professional swimming opportunity for all swimmers, takes as its primary concern the safety and well being of all the children and young people who are members of the club. The responsibility to safeguard children in our clubs and related activities lies will all those involved in the sport and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at club, county or national level. All members (whether swimmers, parents, staff member), when attending any event or training session or when engaged in any business or activity on behalf of Barnes Swimming Club, have a responsibility to ensure that children are safeguarded and protected from any risk of harm. Any such risks, once identified should be reported to the Club Welfare Officer, or steps taken in accordance with the Swim England's Child Protection Policy. The Welfare Officer has a duty to report any concerns brought to their attention in accordance with the Swim England's Child Protection Policy.
Welfare Officer
April Owens aprilowens.bsc@gmail
If you would rather talk to someone outside the club, Swim England in association with NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) runs a confidential free help line.
This is for anyone involved in swimming, adults or children, who believe that the welfare of someone under the age of 18 is at risk. This concern could be neglect, abuse, bullying or fear of someone or anything that is worrying you and you don’t know who to discuss it with.
Ring 0808 100 4001
Ring 0808 100 4001