BSC AGM - Monday 24th June 2019
AGM Minutes 2019
Present: Justin Hingorani, Rebecca Hingorani, Carlo Pagni, Sue Borrett, Sarah Mountcastle, April Owens, Vicky Lack, Mary-Anne King, Berina Pavicevic, Julien Bouzid, Brian Orlin, Katherine Sweeney, Amal Almutairi, Alberto Baggio, Gordon Farquharson, Katherine Sweeney
- Apologies: Alison Barnes, Alison Conway
- Chairman’s Report – see separate report
- Treasurer’s Report and Accounts – available on request. -£22k income vs expenditure due to write off of old club kit, higher than anticipated camp costs due to popularity and absorption of increased pool costs. The club still has a carry forward for contingencies.
- Election of Independent Examiner – voted in unopposed
- Proposed resolutions
- 5.1 Update constitution in line with new SE model constitution - voted in unopposed (attached)
- 5.2 Update committee member structure in line with current activities
-Local community officer replaced with Social Secretary - voted in unopposed -Competition secretary to be added to committee - voted in unopposed
- Election of Executive Officers – voted in unopposed 6.1 Chairman – Justin Hingorani, Rebecca Hingorani 6.2 Vice Chairman – Carlo Pagni
6.3 Treasurer – Sue Borrett, Sarah Mountcastle
6.4 Secretary – April Owens - Election of other committee members – voted in unopposed
7.1 Swim England Registrations Officer – Vicky Lack
7.2 Communications Officer – Mary-Anne King
7.3 Competitions Secretary – Alison Conway
7.4 Membership Secretary – post being covered by April Owens 7.5 Volunteer Development Officer – Alison Barnes
7.6 Social Secretary – Berina Pavicevic - AOB
- a) Committee thanked George Hall, Lucy Gradillas and Karen Heaton for their hard work on the committee over the last year
- b) Committee thanked the coaches for their support and efforts this year