Black Swan Winter Meet
This gala is on Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd November 2015 at Elmbridge Xcel, Walton-on-Thames KT12 2JG and is an L3 gala.
Account name: BSC COMP ACCT
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- Staines Black Swan galas fill up incredibly quickly, so we have very little time to turn round our entry. Therefore your entries must be in to the club via the form below by 10 pm on Saturday 5th September. Late entries will not be accepted as this means delaying the Barnes entry and risking all our entry being rejected.
- This gala has upper qualifying times. Therefore a swimmer must not be faster than the qualifying time. It therefore accepts swimmers who have not yet set qualifying times.
- Below are five buttons the Conditions, Program of events, Qualifying times, a link to ASA times (just put in your family name and it will bring up your best times) and an Eligibility Report for this gala.
- You can only compete in ASA galas if you are 9yrs or over and ASA registered. That means if you are new member of the club, you need to make sure you have returned all the membership and ASA forms to April ASAP as we need time to then get your details on the system. Otherwise you will not be registered and unable to compete.
- The events available are 50s, 100s & 200s on all strokes and 200IM. These are available to all swimmers, so even 9yr olds cam swim the 100s!
- Ages are calculated as at 22nd November 2015. The youngest age would be a swimmer who is 9yrs on 22nd November.
- You do not need to email Sirje separately, but you need to include a bank ref with your swimmers surname and part of the gala name eg OwensStaines, Smith BlackSwan
- Entry fees are £6.00 per event. This means if you enter 4 events (eg 50 Free, 50 Back, 50 Brest & 50 Fly) the payment is 4x £6.00= £24. Please make your payment to the BSC Competition Account. This is different from the Membership Account.
- Please fill in the form by ticking the events you want to enter
- Please note that No Times will be accepted - please check with your coach if you have questions, or email Sirje at [email protected]
Account name: BSC COMP ACCT
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- Click the submit button to enter