Chelsea & Westminster SC Central London Invitational Meet
This gala is on the 27th of April and the Queen Mother Pool in Vauxhall. It is a novice gala held by Wandsworth and Chelsea and Westminster to which we have been invited! The last two events in session 3, are just if you qualify I believe.
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- Please check the updated Competitions Calendar to see which galas you want to enter as there are quite a few in April/May
- Entries must be in by 10pm on Tuesday April the 8th
- Below are a series of buttons; the order of events, the gala conditions, the qualifying times and the final for the club elegibility report
- The times are very generous, so most of you should be elegible.
- Please fill in the form by ticking the events you want to enter
- You can compete in this gala if you are 8 or over.
- Ages are calculated as at 27th April 2014.
- The events will be: 50m all strokes for boys and girls aged 8 to 10, 100m all four strokes for boys and girls aged 11/o, 200m all strokes and 200m IM for boys and girls aged 8 and over
- You do not need to email Janita or Robin separately, but you need to include a bank ref with your swimmers surname and part of the gala name eg OwensAtl, Smith Atlantis
- Please make your payment (£4.00 X number of events you enter) to the BSC Competition Account. This is different from the Membership Account.
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- Click the submit button to enter