Hatfield Summer Meet 2018
This gala is on Saturday & Sunday 23rd & 24th June 2017 at The Hertfordshire Sports Village, AL10 9EU, it is a Level 2 Gala.
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- Entries for this gala are based on time, so it is possible that some entries could be scratched if they are oversubscribed. Entries must be in to the club via the form by midnight Sunday 20th May 2018.
- It is a short course 25m swimming pool.
- Age groups are: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15+ years. Combined age groups for Junior finals are age 10-13yrs. Senior finals are 14+yrs
- Ages are calculated as at 31st December 2018. Fastest 8 swimmers in combined age groups will swim in finals.
- Entry times must be achieved since 1st Jan 2017. The meet is managed via SportsSystem so we are unable to produce an eligibility report, please check your swimmers best times on ASA rankings against the QTs carefully.
- Below are five buttons the Promoter's conditions, Schedule of events, Hatfield Website, ASA Best Times, Lower Limits qualifying times
- Entry fees are £7 per event. Strict conditions for withdrawal apply including a £5 penalty for late withdrawals (in addition to entry fee) see Promoters Conditions below.
- You do not need to email us separately, but you need to include a bank ref with your swimmers surname and part of the gala name eg BurnsHatfield, Burns Hatfield
- Please make your payment (£7 x number of events you enter) to the BSC Competition Account. This is different from the Membership Account.
- Please fill in the form by ticking the events you want to enter
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- Click the submit button to enter