Wycombe Long Course Sprint Meet 2018
This is on Saturday 28th April at Wycombe Leisure Centre, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 1TJ. It is a Level 3 Gala in a Long Course 50m pool.
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- This meet will fill up very fast, so we need to get our entry in ASAP to be accepted. This Gala is first come, first served, therefore your entries must be in to the club via the form below by midnight on Sunday 18th February.
- As this is a is an ASA gala it is run to ASA rules and so swimmers need technically correct strokes and turns. If in doubt please talk to you coach.
- Below are five buttons, one is a link to the Wycombe website to get all gala information, the second is the Promoters Conditions (including the Schedule of Events and Qualifying Times - not faster than), the third is a link to the ASA website to look up your previous best time, the fourth is Pull Buoy (to convert SC to LC times), and the last one is the Eligibility Report (this includes either your PB - as a LC time or SC time converted to LC, or for those without a licensed time 'no time').
- The qualifying times are 50m Long Course times and are not faster than, so swimmers can only swim if they are slower than the qualifying time. Faster swimmers please check that you are not too fast!
- As Wycombe have not specified a lower limit, then 'No Time' entries are eligible. If a swimmer is entering with a time, then they must have a ‘licensed’ time achieved in the past 12 months.
- Ages are calculated as at 28rd April 2018.
- Please pay once we have published the accepted entries.
- You do not need to email us separately, but you need to include a bank ref with your swimmers surname and part of the gala name eg BurnsWycombeSprint or Burns Wycombe Sprint.
- Please make your payment (£7 x number of events you enter) to the BSC Competition Account. This is different from the Membership Account.
Account number: 01554476
Sort code: 40-05-31
- Please fill in the form by ticking the events you want to enter. Click the submit button to enter