- AGM - just a reminder that this is at the Bridge Pub at PM tomorrow night at 7pm
- SPS Summer Festival Sun 30th June - St Paul's are holding their biannual Summer Festival and due to the numbers on site unfortunately all our sessions are cancelled next Sunday 30th June. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
- Summer Timetable - the normal timetable finishes at St Paul's on 7th July. We then go onto school's lockdown hours until the August break. Attached is the Summer timetable from 8th July to 10th August. We understand that during the first few weeks some schools will not have broken up so it will not be an issue if children arrive late for the session as we appreciate it will be difficult for some children to get there for a 3.30pm start. Once the coaches have been finalised the Summer Timetable will go onto the website.